Lemon juice: Get rid of of dark spots and pigmentation
Lemon juice: Use to heal acne
Squeeze some fresh lemon juice extract and dilute it with some water. Apply it on the affected area with the help of a cotton pad. You can leave it for about fifteen minutes and then wash off with clean cold water. Regular usage Fruit Juice In India of lemon juice helps in healing acne. Apart from this one could also have a glass of lemon water daily to clean their system internally and thus attain a glowing acne-free skin. Take a glass of lukewarm water and add 3 tbsp on lemon juice in it. You can also add honey to this mixture, just to make it a lil yummy.
Lemon juice: Use for skin whitening
As mentioned earlier, lemon contains citrus acid in it which acts as a natural bleaching component. The bleaching properties in it helps to brighten the color of your skin. Ass 2 tbsp of lemon juice to 3 tbsp of water, mix it well and apply it on the entire face and neck. Leave it on for 30 mins and wash it off with col water. Repeat this procedure daily to attain greater results within a short span of time. If you want t,o you can even add a tbsp honey to this mixture, this will help in decreasing any kind of skin irritation.
Lemon juice: Get rid of pimple
Lemon Juice are one of the best known remedies to lighten the pimple marks. Just scrub the lemon rind on your face and leave it for about ten minutes and then wash it off with cold water. Repeat this procedure for a couple of days till you can notice some changes.
Lemon juice: for removing blackheads
Direct application of fresh lemon juice extract on blackheads helps in removing them effectively. The citric component in the lemon helps in reducing the blackhead-causing oils in your skin.
Rub the lemon rind on the discolored elbows. this will help in reducing the dark patches on your elbows.
Lemon juice: for fasteners
Take fresh lemon juice in a basin and drop your finger fasteners in it. Stay like that for about fifteen minutes and allow the minerals to be soaked by your fasteners. Do it frequently before you go to bed. This helps in increasing the growth of protein and keratin in the fasteners and makes them wholesome and stronger.
It is essential that you associate your self with good and enough sleep and rest to have youthful skin. dependent hypergh14x review