Wednesday 31 December 2014

Top Beauty Tips of Lemon Juice(Nimbu)

Beauty benefits of Lemon Juice
Lemon mixed with few drops of coconut water makes an excellent clarifying moisturizer. Both together hydrate and clears and brightens the skin.
Lemon works as a magical knee and elbow bleacher. Simply rub a lemon half on dark elbows and knees.
Lemons are anti-bacterial they help in treating acne. Just squeeze lemon on the face and the blackheads will soon fade away.
A mixture of lemon juice and baking soda serve as a perfect teeth whitener.
Lemon essential oil is helpful in treating canker sores of the mouth.
Lemon is an ideal skin brightener with the help of its contents of vitamin C and citric acid. It helps to brighten and lighten the skin over a period of time. Vitamin C in lemon is a great antioxidant for reducing free radicals and boosting the production of collagen. This process helps to lighten dark spots, age spots and lighten the tanned areas.
Lemon Juice In India is great for reducing excess oil by eliminating the shine caused by the excess oil.
Lips can be exfoliated by putting lemon juice on them at night and leaving it overnight. This helps to remove dead skin cells and dried skin from the lips. A homemade body cleanser can be made out of lemon juice, yogurt and an essential oil like lavender or chamomile. Massage with this will moisturize the skin and remove dirt and bacteria.
Lemon peppermint foot scrub—a scrub for exfoliating foot can be made by combining coarse sea salt, lemon peels and peppermint essential oil.
Apply lemon juice with milk or cream before the daily bath. Leave it for 15 minutes, and then wash it off.

Tips Lemon Juice for a glowing and flawless skin

Get rid of of  dark spots and pigmentation
Citrus fruits, particularly lemons, are immensely good for healing dark spots, age spots and freckles. Just apply the lemon juice on the affected area and you would notice a decrease of the spots over time. The citric acid present in lemons helps in bleaching and clarifying the skin.

Use Lemon juice to heal acne
Squeeze some fresh lemon juice extract and dilute it with some water. Apply it on the affected area with the help of a cotton pad. You can leave it for about fifteen minutes and then wash off with clean cold water. Regular usage of lemon juice helps in healing acne. Apart from this one could also have a glass of lemon water daily to clean their system internally and thus attain a glowing acne-free skin. Take a glass of lukewarm water and add 3 tbsp on lemon juice in it. You can also add honey to this mixture, just to make it a lil yummy.

Use Lemon Juice for skin whitening
As mentioned earlier, lemon contains citrus acid in it which acts as a natural bleaching component. The bleaching properties in it helps to brighten the color of your skin. Ass 2 tbsp of lemon juice to 3 tbsp of water, mix it well and apply it on the entire face and neck. Leave it on for 30 mins and wash it off with col water. Repeat this procedure daily to attain greater results within a short span of time. If you want t,o you can even add a tbsp honey to this mixture, this will help in decreasing any kind of skin irritation.

Get rid of pimple
Lemon Juice are one of the best known remedies to lighten the pimple marks. Just scrub the lemon rind on your face and leave it for about ten minutes and then wash it off with cold water. Repeat this procedure for a couple of days till you can notice some changes.

Lemon Juice for removing blackheads
Direct application of fresh lemon juice extract on blackheads helps in removing them effectively. The citric component in the lemon helps in reducing the blackhead-causing oils in your skin.

Lemon Juice for discolored elbows
Rub the lemon rind on the discolored elbows. this will help in reducing the dark patches on your elbows.

Lemon Juice for fasteners
Take fresh lemon juice in a basin and drop your finger fasteners in it. Stay like that for about fifteen minutes and allow the minerals to be soaked by your fasteners. Do it frequently before you go to bed. This helps in increasing the growth of protein and keratin in the fasteners and makes them wholesome and stronger.

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Mango Fruit Drink Nutritional Content

Nutritional Content

Like many other natural fruit drinks, mango juice, sometimes referred to as mango nectar, packs a variety of both vitamins and minerals. Each cup of mango juice adds a more than feasible source of both vitamins A and C to any diet. Without added sugars, pure mango nectar contains about 30 grams of sugary carbohydrates per cup.
Although Mango Fruit Drink contain moderate to high levels of carbohydrates, they cause little fluctuation in blood-sugar levels. This process lets the body maintain appetite and metabolic processes much easier. Plus, none of the calories found in mango comes from fat, making the juice an easily digestible, energy providing drink.

Health Benefits

One cup of mango juice contains over 60% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C, which helps the body regulate enzymes and metabolic processes. Mango's also have high levels of vitamin A, with one cup providing nearly 40% of the daily required valued.  This important nutrient helps maintain healthy eye function and growth, gene transcribing and the maintenance of healthy skin tissue.

Mango juice also provides a good source of calcium and iron. Iron helps the body eliminate free radicals, while calcium assists with the formation of healthy teeth and bones.

India Juice

Monday 29 December 2014

The Nutrition of Mango Juice

Mango juice contains a number of valuable nutrients. The naturally fulfilling fruit beverage also acts as a beneficial dietary food item that aids in normal bodily functions and the prevention of health risks and disease.

Nutritional Content
Like many other natural fruit drinks, mango juice, sometimes referred to as mango nectar, packs a variety of both vitamins and minerals. Each cup of mango juice adds a more than feasible source of both vitamins A and C to any diet. Without added sugars, pure mango nectar contains about 30 grams of sugary carbohydrates per cup.

Although mangoes Bottles Mango Drink contain moderate to high levels of carbohydrates, they cause little fluctuation in blood-sugar levels. This process lets the body maintain appetite and metabolic processes much easier. Plus, none of the calories found in mangoes comes from fat, making the juice an easily digestible, energy providing drink.

Health Benefits
One cup of mango juice contains over 60% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C, which helps the body regulate enzymes and metabolic processes. Mangoes also have high levels of vitamin A, with one cup providing nearly 40% of the daily required valued.  This important nutrient helps maintain healthy eye function and growth, gene transcribing and the maintenance of healthy skin tissue.
Mango juice also provides a good source of calcium and iron. Iron helps the body eliminate free radicals, while calcium assists with the formation of healthy teeth and bones.

Health Warnings
Consuming too much mango juice will lead to an excess amount of sugars within the body. Too much sugar will increase fat storage and lead to weight gain. However, some athletes benefit from loading up on complex and simple sugars before long-lasting events.

Juice Stand Up Pouches

Sunday 28 December 2014

Mango Fruit Juice Full of Nutrition Values

Mango juice full of nutrients, flavor, sweetness is considered as King of Fruits. The Mango fruit is enrich in phytochemicals, polyphenols, vitamins, carotenoids, antioxidants, omega-3 and 6, etc. It is one of the best gifts due to its multiple uses in the form of Chutneys, Pickles, Lachcha, Mango juice, Mango shakes, Panna, Mango jelly, Mango lassi, Aamras, amchur, Smoothies, Ice cream.

How Mango fruit juice are beneficial for you ?
Mango fruit juice Bottled Mango Juice dominate over all the fruits due to its important features. Mango juice has adequate amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fibre and full of nutrients.
Weight gain:
Boosts immunity:
Improves digestion:
Diabetes prevention:
For skin glowing:
Prevents cancer:
Beneficial in pregnancy:
Control acidity:
For heart health:
Maintains blood pressure:
Strengthen bones:
Good for eyes:
Good for anemia patient:

Mango fruit juice Nutrition facts
One cup of mango juice contains calories (128), protein (<1 gm), carbohydrate (0.8gm). It is also loaded with vitamin C, A, B, E, & K.  Minerals like potassium (61gm), calcium (43 gm), magnesium (8 gm), phosphorous (5 gm), iron (0.9 gm), selenium (1 mcg), sodium (13 gm). One cup of mango juice contains about 60% of your daily requirement of vitamin C and 40% of daily requirement of vitamin A.

Different types of mango and it's make Mango Juice
There are different varieties of Mango Juice cherished and relished by people.
Sammar Bahist

Mango Drink Bottles

Friday 26 December 2014

Top 8 Health Benefits of Mango Juice

Mango Juice is good for Heart Diseases
Mangoes contain Beta-carotene, Vitamin E, Potassium and Selenium. All these are effective in making your heart healthy; especially the beta-carotene, which is useful for the cardiac patients. Potassium makes your heart, nerves and muscles to work properly. Mangoes also develop the immune system because vitamin C stimulates White Blood Corpuscles s to work more efficiently thereby destroy the bacteria and germs.

Mango Juice reduces the risk of cancer
Mangoes  contain polyphenol compounds as well as quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat, all are useful in reducing the risk for different types of cancer.

Mango Juice controls blood pressure
Mangoes having low glycemic index, that maintains the blood sugar level. It balances the fat levels too.  The presence of potassium regulates the blood pressure and fluid mechanism in the body. It also solves the problems of diabetes. Its leaf liquor is good for diabetic patients.

Mangoes for glowing & shining skin
Mangoes are rich in Vitamin A which makes the skin soft and shining. When the pulp of mango is rubbed over the skin, it makes your complexion fair and maintains the moisture and make the skin glow.

Mangoes good for pregnancy
Mango Drink Tetra Pack is useful fruit for pregnant women as it contain good amount of iron that enables to maintain the HB level and proper oxygen flow. It is suggested that problems during menstruation. Mango relaxes the muscles and prevent abortion due to presence of calcium and magnesium.

Mangoes for eyesight
The mineral, vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, C and E are adequately present in Mangoes. It also contains flavonoids, Beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin.  All these help to keep your eyes healthy, enhance your vision and prevent from various eye diseases.

Mangos aid digestion
Mango is full of digestive enzymes like magneferin, katechol oxidase and lactase and helps to overcome the problems   related with digestion.  It has enough fibre that eases acidity and constipation. It acts like a cleanser for stomach and intestines.  It also strengthens the liver.

Mango Juice for weight gain
When mango is taken with milk, it helps to gain weight and also the source of energy.

Different types of mango and it's make Mango Juice
There are different varieties of Mango Juice cherished and relished by people.
Sammar Bahist

Mango fruit juice full of nutrition values
Mango, full of nutrients, flavor, sweetness; is considered as King of Fruits.  The fruit is enrich in phytochemicals, polyphenols, vitamins, carotenoids, antioxidants, omega-3 and 6, etc.   It is one of the best gifts due to its multiple uses in the form of Chutneys, Pickles, Lachcha, Mango juice, Mango shakes, Panna, Mango jelly, Mango lassi, Aamras, amchur, Smoothies, Ice cream.

How Mango fruit juice are beneficial for you?
Mango fruit juice dominate over all the fruits due to its important features. Mango juice has adequate amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fibre and full of nutrients.

Thursday 25 December 2014

The Mango Juice is considered as one of the most delicious and healthiest

The Mango is considered as one of the most delicious and healthiest fruits. The “king of the fruits” has a yellow, reddish orange or green skin and a deep yellow pulpy interior. This tropical fruit, originated in the Indian subcontinent’s sub-Himalayan plains, has been cultivated in many regions of India as well as the tropical climates around the world.This seasonal fruit has been a regular part of human diet for about four thousand years, thanks to its unique flavour, taste and fragrance. You would also have relished this fruit but do you know the benefits of India Juice ...?

Below Mentioned Are The Top 10 Mango Juice Benefits.
1. Prevents Cancer
2. Lowers Cholesterol Levels
3. Maintains Blood Pressure
4. Beneficial for Anaemia
5. For Eye Health
6. Clears the Skin
7. Alkalizes the Whole Body
8. Helps in Diabetes
9. Improves Digestion:
10. Boosts the Immune System

Juice in India

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Best Health Benefits of Mango Juice Why ?

Mangoes have yellow, green or reddish orange skin and a deep orange interior. The fruit, grown in tropical climates around the world, has been part of the human diet for more than 4,000 years, according to the National Mango Board. Mango juice contains vitamins and minerals essential for good health. Look for mango juice that does not contain added sugar to get the most health benefits.
Vitamin C
Consuming enough vitamin C can help you prevent colds and flu. Vitamin C encourages your white blood cells to work more efficiently at destroying germs and bacteria. An 8-ounce serving of mango juice contains two-thirds of your daily recommended vitamin C requirement.

A serving of mango juice supplies Tetra Pack Mango Juice one-quarter of the daily recommended beta-carotene intake. The deep orange color of mangos supplies beta-carotene. Your body uses beta-carotene to make vitamin A, which keeps your eyes healthy. Vitamin A and beta-carotene also work in conjunction to promote good skin and skeletal health.

Mango juice contains potassium, a mineral that helps your heart, nerves and muscles function properly. Potassium also regulates blood pressure and the balance of fluids in your body. One cup of mango fruit supplies about 325 milligrams of potassium. A serving of mango juice, without added water or sugar, contains about 300 milligrams of potassium.


Mangos supply a notable amount of iron. Iron produces healthy red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout your body. Adding mangos to your diet can increase your intake of the essential nutrient, if you suffer from an iron deficiency. An 8-ounce glass of mango juice supplies about two percent of your daily iron needs.

Tuesday 23 December 2014

The Health Nutrition of Mango Juice

Mango juice contains a number of valuable nutrients. The naturally fulfilling fruit beverage also acts as a beneficial dietary food item that aids in normal bodily functions and the prevention of health risks and disease.

Nutritional Content
Like many other natural fruit drinks, mango juice, sometimes referred to as mango nectar, packs a variety of both vitamins and minerals. Each cup of mango juice adds a more than feasible source of both vitamins A and C to any diet. Without added sugars, pure mango nectar contains about 30 grams of sugary carbohydrates per cup.

Although Mango Juice In Pet Bottles mangoes contain moderate to high levels of carbohydrates, they cause little fluctuation in blood-sugar levels. This process lets the body maintain appetite and metabolic processes much easier. Plus, none of the calories found in mangoes comes from fat, making the juice an easily digestible, energy providing drink.

Nutritional Content of Mango Juice per 100 ml
Energy: 58 Kcal
Fat: NIL
Carbohydrate: 14.6 g 
Vitamin C: 10.34 mg
Sugar: 14.5 g 
Iron: 0.3 mg
Protein: 0.11 g 
Sodium: 15mg

Health Benefits

One cup of mango juice contains over 60% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C, which helps the body regulate enzymes and metabolic processes. Mango's also have high levels of vitamin A, with one cup providing nearly 40% of the daily required valued.  This important nutrient helps maintain healthy eye function and growth, gene transcribing and the maintenance of healthy skin tissue.

Mango juice also provides a good source of calcium and iron. Iron helps the body eliminate free radicals, while calcium assists with the formation of healthy teeth and bones.

Health Warnings

Consuming too much mango juice will lead to an excess amount of sugars within the body. Too much sugar will increase fat storage and lead to weight gain. However, some athletes benefit from loading up on complex and simple sugars before long-lasting events.

Mango Juice Brands In India

Friday 19 December 2014

Surprising Top Health Benefits of Mango Juice

Weight gain:
Mango Juice is highly beneficial in gaining weight because of the presence of adequate amount of protein both in milk and mango. The underweight people can drink mango juice regularly during summer. 150 grams of mango has about 86 calories, and starch easily converts into sugar thereby helps in weight gain. This is the most important health benefits of mango juice. However, obese person should avoid drinking of mango Juice.

Good for anemia patient:
The mango Juice is the most delicious juice and filled with important nutrients like iron, protein and beta-carotene. It is good for anemia patient and those have protein deficiency. One of the important benefits of mango juice is to increase red blood cells count in the body. Mango juice also has significant amount of iron. Regular drinking of one glass of mango juice is enough to provide necessary amount of iron to the body. Mango juice is also beneficial for pregnant mother as far as iron content is concern. A number of studies have shown that iron content is beneficial in reduction of muscle cramp, anxiety, stress and heart related problems.

Good for eyes:
Mango contains vitamin A, which is beneficial for eyes and skin. The sufficient amount of vitamin A helps the eyes against dryness, night blindness along with facilitating good eye sight.

Strengthen bones:
Milk, which is the integral part of mango juice, is having vitamin D and calcium, helps in strengthening of bones.

Maintains blood pressure:
Mango juice is rich in potassium and magnesium, which helps to keep blood pressure under control. Potassium assists the heart and regulates blood pressure as well as balance fluids in your body. Mango juice also lowers blood pressure due to tinnginya fiber, pectin and vitamin C. Pectin and vitamin C reduces the serum cholesterol levels, especially the low-density lipoprotein

For heart health:
Mango in Mango Drinks has high amount of pectin, a dietary fiber and helpful in lowering cholesterol from blood. Pectin is also beneficial in prevention of prostate cancer.

Control acidity:
Due to its alkaline in nature and presence of abundant fiber, mango juices helps in prevention of indigestion, excess acidity, and contributes smooth functioning of the digestive system. The presence of tartaric acid, malic acid and citric acid help to maintain alkaline nature of the body. These acids are good for the digestive tract and enzymes present in the milk shake breaks the protein into simpler form.

Beneficial in pregnancy:
Mango juices are having important health benefits during pregnancy due to presence of iron both in milk and mango. Iron is an important mineral required during pregnancy.

Prevents cancer:
A new research has shown that mango contains phyto-chemicals and antioxidants like quercetin, isoquercitin, astrgalin, fisetin, and gallic acid, astragalin, methylgallat, fisetin, which helps the body against colon cancer, breast cancer, leukemia and prostate cancer. Pectin present in mango is also beneficial against cancer.

Boosts immunity:
Mango juice has reasonable proportion of vitamin C, vitamin A, and carotenoids. All these are helpful in boosting your immune system.

For skin glowing:
Drinking of mango juice is good in prevention and management of acne, pimples, wrinkles, blemishes, black spots, etc. The application of mango pulp for ten minutes followed by washing it with fresh water is beneficial for fair complexion.

Diabetes prevention:
Mango juice has the ability to control sugar level by normalizing insulin levels. It is also helpful in combating high blood pressure and cutting down bad cholesterol.

Improves digestion:
By controlling acidity and maintaining the ratio of acid-alkaline, mango provides soothing effects to digestion. It is also helpful in easing chronic constipation.

Nutrition facts:
One cup of mango juice contains calories (128), protein (<1 gm), carbohydrate (0.8gm). It is also loaded with vitamin C, A, B, E, & K.  Minerals like potassium (61gm), calcium (43 gm), magnesium (8 gm), phosphorous (5 gm), iron (0.9 gm), selenium (1 mcg), sodium (13 gm). One cup of mango juice contains about 60% of your daily requirement of vitamin C and 40% of daily requirement of vitamin A.

Thursday 18 December 2014


The summer season each year brings wafting memories of a juicy and luscious fruit called litchi. The origins of Litchi lie in southern China where as a crop it has been cultivated uninterruptedly for close to 2500 years. Its geographical propagation has been rather slow, which is due to the short life-span of its seed and the peculiar soil and climatic requirements associated with the plant.A classical instance of this is India which is the second largest producer just behind China, but litchi farming is chronologically speaking, very recent having been introduced only sometime in the middle of the 1700's. Together China and India between themselves produce more than 90% of the world's Litchi, leaving the rest of the world far behind. In the backdrop of all this it is interesting to know the various cultivars and varieties which dot the world of Litchi farming. Most or all of them have their genesis probably in China but have been suitably bred and modified to thrive in countries of their adoption.

The terms 'cultivar' and 'variety' have often been used interchangeably but this convention often seems to ignore the obvious differences which exist between the two. A 'cultivar' is bred with the help of vegetative propagation, which could include cutting, grafting,budding and tissue culture and is a product of human effort and ingenuity. A 'variety' on the other hand is a natural phenomenon and is bred through seedlings. A 'variety' will always produce clones of the parent plant, but in a cultivar,there may be slight variation in a progeny compared to the parent particularly in the case of hybrids. The Tetra Pack Fruit Juice Cultivars in India

number about 40 out of which around 12 or 13 are commercially cultivated.The same cultivar or variety may be known by different names in various parts of the country. In China there are about 200 known cultivars although only 20 or so are in commercial farming, which means the genetic repository is much more widespread compared to India but then this is to be expected as the history of cultivation extends to two and a half millenia. A notable discrepancy is the difficulty in understanding the Chinese script and language for outsiders and any attempt to transliterate Chinese names into Roman script results in tongue-twisting pronunciations with horrendous consequences. Most of the cultivars from both India and China can be classified as early, mid or late,depending upon when the fruits ripen or mature. There are other physical characteristics which are commonly used to distinguish or earmark cultivars. 

They are shape and size of the litchi fruit 

  • the seed   
  • the composition of pulpy edible flesh or the aril
  • leaf shape
  • plant size and canopy
  • fruit color
  • skin texture
  • flushing pattern and color

Litchi Varieties of India: State and Cultivars

Shahi, China, Deshi, Purbi, Rose Scented, Kasba, Mandraji, Late Bedana, Early Bedana, Trikolia, Swarna Roopa

Uttar Pradesh
Early Large Red, Early Bedana, Late Large Red, Late Bedana, Muzaffarpur( Shahi), Rose Scented, Culcuttia, Extra Early Green, Gulabi, Pickling, Khatti, Dehradun, Piazi

West Bengal
Bombai, Ellaichi, Early Ellaichi, Late China, Deshi, Purbi, Kasba, Muzaffarpur

Punjab & Haryana
Saharanpur, Dehradun, Muzaffarpur, Late Seedless, Early Seedless, Rose Scented,

Early Large Red, Late Large Red, Culcuttia, Khatti, Gulabi

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Nutritional value of Litchi fruit Juice

The amazing health benefits of litchi fruit are because of its rich nutritional value. Lychee is very rich in Vitamin C, and contains about 72 mg of Vitamin C per 100 grams. It is also rich in copper, phosphorus, and is low in sodium. It provides many B complex Vitamins and is a good source of Fiber too. The polyphenol Oligonol has antioxidant and anti-viral properties. Litchi is hot by constitution so do not consume excess of it. It might lead to skin rashes and pimples.

Nutrition Facts of Litchi Dash per 100 ml

Energy: 60 Kcal
Fat: 0 gm
Carbohydrate: 14.8 gm 
Protein: 0 gm
Sugar: 12.5 g

Litchi small but powerful fruit
Litchi is a small fruit with a sweet smell and taste, which is available in the summer. It is a small fruit packed with healthy nutrients. It has rough skin outside while contains juicy flesh inside.
Litchi is Tetra Pak Juice a highly rich nutrient fruit. It contains a high amount of soluble fiber known as pectin which is beneficial to protect from colon cancer. It contains a good amount of antioxidants that protect the body from carcinogens. Carcinogens are free radicals that are produced in the body due to oxidative stress. So Litchi is effective to protect from cancer, ageing, arthritis and degenerative disease. Also, it is a great source of potassium which is important for maintaining blood pressure. Along with these, it contains a high amount of other nutrients that promotes health. So, know the amazing Litchi health benefits and nutrition facts.

Health Benefits of Litchi
  • Increase Immunity
  • Protects from Free radicals
  • Increase Blood formation
  • Increase Metabolism and Promotes healthy weight loss
  • Prevent Early Aging
  • Prevent High blood pressure
  • Protection from Arthritis
  • Protect from Asthma
  • Improve cardiovascular health
  • Prevent Cancer
  • Aids digestion
  • Heart Disease
  • Maintenance of Healthy Hair
  • Skin-Friendly Nutrients
  • Maintains healthy bones
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin C 

Monday 15 December 2014

Mango Juice Some Good Nutrient and Sensory Qualities

Mango Dash Juice
Our customers can avail from us superior quality Mango Juice. Our mango juice are prepared from ripe and fresh Mangoes of Alphonso, Totapuri and Sendura varieties. Our mango juice is very much nutritious and rich in vitamins and other minerals. These mango juices offered by us natural drink and do not contain any artificial ingredients. Its hygienic packaging ensures that the drink retains its natural goodness and freshness. Our mango drink stands apart in taste and quality.

Offer three varieties of Dash Mango Juice bottles. These bottles are manufactured from all food grade plastics. Our range of Dash Mango Juice bottles are known for their quality and look. We are Supplier & Manufacturer of Dash Mango Juice in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bombay, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Gujarat.

All our products are made with real fruit juice or pulp. 
Mango Pulp used for making the drinks is made from choicest mangoes brought from South India which is the World's largest producer of Mangoes. 
Our assortment of juicy mango and other Mango Drinks offer essential minerals, antioxidants, fiber and vitamin A and C, and is an excellent way of repletion of lost potassium.

Our products are available in a wide range of flavors and pack sizes. 

We can offer juices - mango and other flavours in your own brand also. 
We can offer you 175 ml 200 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml & 1000 ml PET Bottle.
New SKU 125 ml launched.

Some Good Nutrient and Sensory Qualities

Nutrition Facts of Mango Dash per 100 ml
Energy: 58 KcalFat: NIL
Carbohydrate: 14.6 g Vitamin C: 10.34 mg
Sugar: 14.5 g Iron: 0.3 mg
Protein: 0.11 g Sodium: 15mg

Nutrition Facts of Nimbu Dash per 100 ml
Energy: 46 KcalProtein: 0 g
Carbohydrate: 11.5 g Fat: 0 g
Sugar: 11.2 g

Nutrition Facts of Mango Dash V-Pak per 100 ml
Energy: 58 KcalFat: NIL
Carbohydrate: 14.6 g Vitamin C: 10.34 mg
Sugar: 14.5 g Iron: 0.3 mg
Protein: 0.11 g Sodium: 15mg

Nutrition Facts of Litchi Dash per 100 ml
Energy: 60 KcalFat: 0 gm
Carbohydrate: 14.8 gm Protein: 0 gm
Sugar: 12.5 g

Nutrition Facts of Sqeeze Mango per 100 ml
Energy: 58 KcalFat: NIL
Carbohydrate: 14.6 g Vitamin C: 10.34 mg
Sugar: 14.5 g Iron: 0.3 mg
Protein: 0.11 g Sodium: 15mg

Mango Dash Juice ( 1000 ml )
made from pure mangoes, our assortment of juice mango offers all the essential minerals antioxidants, fiber and vitamin A and C and is an excellent way of repletion of lost potassium.

Mango Dash Juice ( 500 ml )
We offer a huge range of Fresh Mango Juice that is offered in high quality PET bottle of 500 ml. Our mango juice is extracted from fresh mangoes that are delicious, juicy and rich in vitamins and minerals.

Mango Dash Juice ( 250 ml )
We offer mango juice processed from fresh and juicy mangoes that are rich source of essential vitamins and minerals. Our mango juice 250 ml contains the qualities of fresh mangoes and they are nutritious as well.

Sunday 14 December 2014

About Litchi Fruit Juice And It's Nutritional Value

Litchi is a fruit with amazing health benefits belongs to Sapindaceae family. It is grown in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world and found abundantly in the summer season. It was first originated in the Chinese regions of Guangdong and Fujian and has been started cultivating in the various countries of the world (India, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Australia, Pakistan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Mexico, Southern Africa and etc). It Tetra Pack Juice Manufacturers is very delicate and attractive smelling fruit which is usually eaten fresh. It is found in many types such as emperor lychee or biggest lychee, ohia lychee or litchi with little seed, Brewster lychee and etc.

Benefits of Litchi (Lychee) Fruit Juice
It is loaded with numerous healthy nutrients including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids and so many. It protects from various diseases, infections and skin problems by enhancing the immunity power. It contains polyphenols which helps in fighting with weight problems, liver damage and type-2 diabetes. 
Some of its amazing health benefits are mentioned below:
  • Benefits of Litchi for Heart
  • Benefits of Litchi for Cancer
  • Benefits of Litchi for Digestive System
  • Benefits of Litchi for Bones, Teeth and Joints
  • Benefits of Litchi for Hair
  • Benefits of Litchi for Weight Loss
  • Benefits of Litchi for Aging
  • Benefits of Litchi for Women during Pregnancy
  • Benefits of Litchi for Kids
  • Benefits of Litchi for Men
  • Benefits of Litchi Seeds
  • Benefits of Litchi Juice of Skin

Nutrition Facts of Litchi Dash per 100 ml
Energy: 60 Kcal
Fat: 0 gm
Carbohydrate: 14.8 gm 
Protein: 0 gm
Sugar: 12.5 g

Thiamine: 0.011 mg
Riboflavin: 0.065 mg
Niacin: 0.603 mg
Choline: 7.1 mg
Pyridoxine: 0.100 mg
Folates: 14 µg
Vitamin C: 71.5 mg
Vitamin E: 0.07 mg
Vitamin K: 0.4 µg

Calcium: 5 mg
Copper: 0.148 mg
Iron: 0.31 mg
Magnesium: 10 mg
Manganese: 0.055 mg
Phosphorus: 31 mg
Selenium: 0.6 µg

Friday 12 December 2014

Some Health Benefits of Litchi juice

Litchi Juice of Skin health
  • It nourishes the skin very deeply as it contains high level of vitamins B and C which are very necessary for the skin health.
  • Litchi reduces the occurrence of acne, wrinkles, spots, dryness and other skin problems.
  • Vitamin C found in it has antioxidant and anti-aging property thus prevents skin from the early ageing.
  • It prevents skin from the skin disorders caused due to the pollution, UV radiations, smoking, drinking, free radicals, unhealthy diet and premature ageing.
  • Its availability of vitamin B-complex and phytonutrient flavonoids prevents skin from the harmful effects of oxidative stress caused due to pollution and UV radiations.
  • Its antioxidants nature helps in neutralizing the free radicals as well as protects skin cells from getting damaged, skin cancer and inflammations.
  • Some other skin friendly nutrients (thiamine, copper, niacin) found in it helps in the metabolism of fat and protein in order to maintain skin health.
  • Niacin found in it boosts the skin hydration level to keep it moisturized always whereas copper mineral speeds up the wound healing of damaged skin.

Benefits of Litchi for Weight Loss
  • Regular consumption of litchi Tetra Pack Manufacturers helps in increasing the metabolism rate as it contains dietary fibers and B group vitamins thus helps in managing weight.
  • It is very low in calorie and high in insoluble dietary fibers without saturated fats and cholesterol thus good for the weight conscious people.

Benefits of Litchi for Aging
  • It reduces the aging process by decreasing the effects of UV radiations, smoke, oxidative stress, pollution and other reasons of aging.
  • Litchi also protects from the age related degenerative changes in the body in earlier age and keeps body healthy and fresh if eaten regularly.

Benefits of Litchi for Hair
  • It helps in maintaining the healthy hair scalp by improving the flow of blood and oxygen to the hair follicles.
  • Litchi provides long, healthy, bright, black, smooth, silky and lustrous hair look if eaten regularly.
  • It is a good source of Vitamin C which actively maintains the health of hair by ensuring the proper blood supply to the hair follicles.

Benefits of Litchi for Bones, Teeth and Joints
  • It is a good source of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium which are necessary elements for the proper growth and development of the bones, teeth and joints.
  • Litchi contains some other trace minerals like copper and manganese which helps in strengthening the bones and preventing from brittle bones.
  • Its availability of zinc and copper helps in boosting the effectiveness of vitamin D which in turn increases the absorption and utilization of the calcium mineral thus maintains bones and joints health.

Benefits of Litchi for Cancer
  • Litchi is flavonoids rich fruit having anti-cancer property and develops body resistance to fight against various fatal and lethal diseases of the body including cancer.
  • It contains various anti cancerous compounds called quercetin, flavones, kaemferol and etc which help in reducing the growth of cancerous cells in the body.
  • It contains rich amounts of phytonutrients, polyphenols, flavonoids, Proanthocyanidins and etc which help in inhibiting the growth of cancerous cells in breast, liver, prostate, colon, rectum and etc.

Benefits of Litchi Juice
  • It helps in normalizing the increased heart beat if it is taken (a glass) on regular basis for two weeks.
  • Litchi helps in improving the memory level by boosting the brain power and relieving the brain weakness.
  • It helps in providing relief from the problem of excessive thirst by properly rehydrating the body during summer season.

Benefits of Litchi Seeds
  • Powdered litchi seeds and litchi seeds tea is used by the people for years for various medicinal purposes to treat some digestive disorders because of its pain-relieving property.
  • Litchi seeds have astringent property thus helps in treating the intestinal tract problems especially intestinal worms.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Benefits of Litchi for Heart

Litchi for Heart Disease
  • Litchi is loaded with the good amount of minerals (potassium and copper) which helps in maintaining the body fluid balance, heart beat control as well as blood pressure control.
  • It provides protection against various heart diseases like stroke, hypertension and coronary heart diseases.
  • It helps in normalizing the blood pressure and heart rate under control to prevent from further development of coronary heart diseases.
  • Its highest amount of polyphenols helps in promoting the heart health and reduces the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Its availability with high amount of dietary fibers makes it able to promote the cardiovascular health by regularizing the functioning.
  • Eating litchi regularly helps in reducing the level of bad cholesterol as well as increasing the level of good cholesterol in the blood.
  • Litchi India Juice improves the flow of blood containing nourishing nutrients to the heart thus reduces the risk of heart disorders such as stroke, heart attack, hypertension, atherosclerosis and etc.
  • It helps in the better development of some important agents inside the body such as anti platelet, anticoagulant, thrombolytic agents and etc thus prevents from cardiovascular problems.
Other Health Benefits of Litchi
  • It contains high level of polyphenol called oligonol which has antioxidant and anti-influenza property and prevents from various infections.
  • Litchi contains high level of vitamin C which enhances body resistance against various infections and prevents from harmful effects of free radicals.
  • It is the richest source of B-complex vitamins which act as co-factors in the metabolic reactions to metabolize the food elements such as carbohydrates, protein, and fats.
  • Oligonol polyphenol found in it helps in improving the blood circulation, reducing weight and protecting skin from the ultraviolet sun rays.
  • It helps in removing out the extra body fat, enhances body stamina, reduces weakness and other problems.
  • Its high level of vitamin C boosts the immunity level of the body and prevents from the common seasonal problems like cold, cough, fever, sore throat, and etc.
  • It has natural property to provide relief from the pain caused due to the swollen glands or abdominal pain or inflammations.
  • Litchi contain a compound called oligonol which helps in decreasing the extra fat in the body, enhancing blood circulation to the extremities, decreasing the post-exercise exhaustion and enhancing body stamina.
  • It contains high amount of beta-carotene which has anti-oxidant property thus provides numerous health advantages such as improving body immunity, slowing down the occurrence of various age related diseases like cataracts, cardiovascular problems, cancers and etc.
  • It contains good level of potassium and copper which helps in managing the body fluid balance and manufacture of red blood cells.
  • It helps in treating some complications among diabetic people such as blindness, nerve damage and etc.
  • Litchi has wonderful therapeutic effects because of its anti-inflammatory properties and beneficial to treat tumors, gastralgia, gland enlargements and etc.
  • It has anti-viral property due to the availability of phytochemicals like proanthocyanidins thus prevents from viral problems like influenza, herpex, coxsackie and etc.
Juice In India

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Mango Juice Different Quality In Other Fruit Juice

Fruit Juice Providing you the best range of Fruit Juice such as Mango Juice, Pineapple Juice, Guava Juice, Orange Juice, Litchi Juice, Grape Juice and many more items with effective & timely delivery.

Mango Juice
We are involved in the distribution, import and export of high-quality Mango Juice Industry to our clients. Made using the best quality Mangoes, this juice is rich in nutritional content and contains no preservatives or added flavors. It is completely natural. This product is in compliance with the latest food hygiene and safety norms and is tested for its quality by certified professionals. The juice is packaged efficiently by us to retain the nutritional contents and is delivered in a timely manner through various shipment and transport modes.
Timely delivery and export
Made from best quality Mangoes
Rich nutrient content
100% natural

Orange Juice
We are involved in the distribution and export of natural and organic Orange Juice. Made from organically grown Oranges, this juice is preservative-free and does not contain any added colors or flavors. It is nutrient-rich and very good for health. Clients can avail the product in customized packaging options. It is widely acclaimed for its taste and health benefits.

Natural and organic
Healthy and tasty
Available in customized packaging

Litchi Juice
We distribute and export high-quality Litchi Juice to our clients at reasonable market rates. These are available to clients in customized and hygienic packaging. The juice is preservative-free and contains no added flavors. These are highly in demand amongst our clients for their nutrient-rich factor. They are available in standard sizes and can be delivered in bulk.

Available in bulk
Reasonable prices
Healthy and tasty

Grape Juice
We are engaged in distributing and exporting high-quality Grape Juice. Being free from preservatives, these are good for health. They are very nutritious as well. These are stored in hygienic surroundings in our warehouse and are packaged efficiently to retain freshness and nutrition. They are available to clients in standard packaging at affordable prices.

Standard packaging
Stored hygienically in warehouse
Packaged and sealed to retain freshness

Pomegranate Juice
We are engaged in distributing and supplying Pomegranate Juice to our clients at leading market rates. Made from fresh Pomegranates, the juice is free from preservatives and contains no added colors or flavors. It is available to clients in standard packaging. The packaging is efficiently done to ensure that the freshness of the juice remains intact when it reaches the client.

Standard packaging
Sealed packaging to retain freshness
High nutrient content
Bulk delivery undertaken

Pineapple Juice
We are engaged in the distribution and export of high-quality Pineapple Juice to our clients. These are made from fresh Pineapples and are completely natural. They do not have any preservatives added. They are nutritious and are safely packaged to avoid damage during transit. They are tested for conformance to health and safety norms. They are available to clients at leading market rates and in bulk quantities as well.

Natural and preservative-free
Safely packaged
Bulk delivery undertaken
Hassle-free import and export

Mango Juice Manufacturers In India

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Litchi juice for Women During Pregnancy

Litchi is one of the fruits available in summers. Litchi not only tastes good but also provides immense health benefits. Read about the health benefits of litchi and find tips for buying and storing litchi the right way.
Litchi, or litchi, is a frequently used ingredient in a number of Asian preparations. In the United States, it is normally used in canned form. Litchi has a delicate, rose-like flavor and forms an excellent accompaniment for desserts and salads along with pineapples, bananas and mangoes.

Benefits of Litchi for Women during Pregnancy
  • According to Fruit Juice In India experience of the ancients, litchi is a sweet fruit and it also makes look become more beautiful. However, pregnant women shouldn't eat comfortably because of this reason because litchi has high content of sugar. So, it isn't good for pregnant women that used to catch diabetes as well as overweight. Moreover, pregnant women need to limit this fruit and don’t provide for body a lot because it has hot feature.
  • Litchi is great source of vitamin C which is very necessary for building collagen for the healthy skin in the growing baby. It is also required to build bones, cartilages, tendons and etc of the infant thus very beneficial for the pregnant women.
  • B group vitamins found in it keeps pregnant women all time energetic and active thus helps in alleviating pregnancy related symptoms like nausea.
  • Its richness in potassium mineral helps her to get relieve from the fatigue, weakness, muscle cramps, heart problems, heartburn, constipation, arrhythmia and etc common symptoms during pregnancy.

Benefits of Litchi juice for Kids

  • It is very beneficial for the growing age kids as it is rich in vitamins and mineral which is very necessary for the health of bone, skin and hair.
  • Its high quality phytonutrients and flavoring help kids to grow better by getting all the required healthy nutrients.
  • Litchi is sweet in taste and much liked by all the kids thus it can be a great flavored fruit to give them on daily basis.
Fruit Juices In India

Friday 5 December 2014

Mango Juice Good for Dieting ?

Mango Juice each day for good overall health. Adding fruit, mangoes included, to your meal plans reduces your risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer, but also helps you control your weight. Choose firm mangoes with a fruity smell and once ripe, store in the refrigerator for one to two weeks.

Mango Juice
Eating fresh mango could help you lose weight when dieting, but opting for mango juice may not have the same benefits. Juice is much higher in sugar than chopped fruit, which results in a higher calorie content. In addition, fruit juice contains little to no fiber and does not offer the same satiety benefits that eating fresh fruit does. Choosing fresh mango instead of Mango Juice is a smarter decision if you are trying to lose weight. If you do decide to have a glass of mango juice, stick to one portion and be sure to balance your calorie intake for the day so that you stay within a healthy number for weight loss.

Mango Juice Calories contains
A half cup of sliced mango contains about 50 calories, making it an ideal choice for a weight-loss diet. To drop unwanted pounds, you must burn more calories than you eat. Adding foods that are low in calories allows you to fill your stomach without hindering your weight-loss goals.

Mango Juice Fiber Nutrient
Fiber is a nutrient that bulks up in your stomach, making you feel full for a small amount of calories. Mangoes contain a small amount of fiber, about 1 g per 1/2 cup sliced. Eating foods that contain fiber help you control your appetite because fiber digests slowly,Mango isn't a high-fiber food, but when eaten along with other fiber-containing foods, you create a filling and low-calorie meal that makes weight loss more likely.

Mangoes Versatility
Mango is a versatile fruit that makes a good addition to many dishes. Mango Drinks is naturally sweet and is a healthy snack that is a good alternative to candy, Mango also pairs well with shrimp and makes a low-calorie and healthy dessert as well.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Mango Juice Nutritional Vitamin Content

Mango juice contains a number of valuable nutrients. The naturally fulfilling fruit beverage also acts as a beneficial dietary food item that aids in normal bodily functions and the prevention of health risks and disease.

Like many other natural fruit Mango Drinks , mango juice, sometimes referred to as mango nectar, packs a variety of both vitamins and minerals. Each cup of mango juice adds a more than feasible source of both vitamins A and C to any diet. Without added sugars, pure mango nectar contains about 30 grams of sugary carbohydrates per cup.

Although mangos contain moderate to high levels of carbohydrates, they cause little fluctuation in blood-sugar levels. This process lets the body maintain appetite and metabolic processes much easier. Plus, none of the calories found in mangos comes from fat, making the juice an easily digestible, energy providing drink.

Excellent source vitamin A
They are also an excellent source of dietary fiber and vitamin B6, as well as a good source of vitamin A and vitamin C. Mangoes are rich in minerals like potassium, magnesium and copper, and they are one of the best sources of quercetin, betacarotene, and astragalin.

Excellent source vitamin C
Consuming enough vitamin C can help you prevent colds and flu. Vitamin C encourages your white blood cells to work more efficiently at destroying germs and bacteria. An 8-ounce serving of Mango Juice contains two-thirds of your daily recommended vitamin C requirement.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Mango Juice Origin and Facts

Origin of Mango Juice
Mangoes belong to the same family as that of pistachios, gandaria, mombin and cashews.  Some common names for mango are mangot, manga, and mangou, depending on the region or nation.The mango originated in southern Asia, more specifically in Burma and eastern India, almost 4,000 years ago. Many stories in Indian mythology include the mention of the mango plant, and Lord Buddha is said to have often meditated in a mango grove. Mango Juice cultivation first spread to Malaysia, eastern Asia and eastern Africa and was finally introduced to California around 1880. Mangoes were introduced to Africa and Brazil by Portuguese explorers, while mango cultivation started in Hawaii and Florida around the 19th century.

According to Indian beliefs, mangoes symbolize life (it is the national fruit of India) and is used in almost every sacred ritual. Mango leaves are almost always used for festivals and wedding decorations. ‘Chutney’ made from Indian mangoes is the original chutney and has become universally popular. Today, India remains the world’s major producer of mangoes, but Thailand, China, Brazil and Mexico also cultivate this highly beneficial fruit.

A Few Final Facts About Mango Juice

Mangoes are found in two varieties, one from India and the other from the Philippines and Southeast Asia. Indian mangoes have a bright yellow or red color, while the Philippines species has a pale green color. The mango plant requires a frost-free climate, because the flowers and fruits will be damaged if the temperatures drop below 40° F. The fruits are favored in warm, dry weather.

Mango trees create a scenic landscape and grow up to 65 feet. Mango trees are also known for their longevity; some specimens are known to live for more than 300 years and continue to bear fruit. The leaves of mango trees are usually pale green in color, which darkens as they grow and increase in height. The young leaves are usually red in color. The flowers appear on a mango tree at the branch terminals. The reddish flowers are found in dense panicles of up to 2,000 tiny flowers. These flowers emit a volatile substance that may be an allergen to some people and potentially cause respiratory trouble.